About Us

Find out all about us. What makes us tick! What we get excited about. Who we are and what is important to us.

What is Important to Us

Why Real Resilience Matters

In today’s rapidly evolving global landscape, businesses face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. While some organisations struggle to adapt, others embrace change and flourish. The key differentiator is Real Resilience – the capacity of a company and its people to not just survive, but thrive amidst constant disruption.

Real Resilience isn’t about starting from scratch. It’s about recognizing and amplifying the strengths your organisation already possesses, and then pushing beyond perceived limits to achieve extraordinary results. By cultivating Real Resilience, your business can:

  1. Navigate market shifts with agility
  2. Turn obstacles into growth opportunities
  3. Foster a culture of innovation and adaptability
  4. Attract and retain top talent in a competitive landscape
  5. Build lasting customer relationships through consistent value delivery

In an era where change is the only constant, Real Resilience isn’t just a nice-to-have – it’s essential for sustainable success. Let us help you unlock and develop the resilience within your organization, empowering you to lead confidently in an uncertain world.

The Values That Drive Us

Our Core Values: Guiding Our Path to Success

Integrity and Respect. We foster genuine, respectful relationships with our clients, team members, partners, and communities. In an era of increasing transparency, our commitment to honesty and ethical conduct sets us apart and builds lasting trust.

Resilience and Adaptability. We embrace resilience as a cornerstone of our success. In today’s volatile business environment, our ability to adapt, recover, and grow stronger through challenges is what keeps us ahead of the curve.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence. We recognise that empathy is a crucial skill in the modern workplace. By understanding and valuing diverse perspectives, we create an inclusive environment that brings out the best in our team and enhances our client relationships.

Innovation and Continuous Transformation. We are committed to ongoing innovation and transformation. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, we proactively seek new ideas, technologies, and methodologies to stay relevant and deliver cutting-edge solutions to our clients.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility. We believe in conducting our business in a way that positively impacts our environment and society. Our commitment to sustainable practices and social responsibility aligns with global priorities and resonates with our stakeholders.

These values are not just words on a page – they are the principles that drive our decisions, shape our culture, and define our interactions every day. They are the foundation of our resilience and the key to our long-term success in an ever-changing business world.

Why We Do What We Do

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the journey from where an organization or professional starts to where they aspire to be can seem daunting. The critical element often missing is a clear roadmap for initiating and navigating this transformation. That’s where we come in.

We specialise in illuminating the path forward, helping you:

  1. Envision possibilities in a world of constant disruption
  2. Craft a clear, actionable vision aligned with current market realities
  3. Navigate the complexities of digital transformation and emerging technologies
  4. Develop strategies to thrive in an increasingly competitive global marketplace
  5. Build a culture of innovation and agility to stay ahead of industry shifts

Our passion lies in facilitating remarkable transformations. We work hand-in-hand with businesses and individuals to achieve breakthroughs that drive:

  • Sustainable growth in challenging economic climates
  • Real Resilience in the face of unprecedented change
  • Adaptability to leverage new opportunities and overcome obstacles

In an era where change is the only constant, our approach combines cutting-edge insights with practical, tailored solutions. We don’t just advise – we partner with you every step of the way, ensuring your transformation not only meets today’s challenges but positions you for tomorrow’s successes.

Whether you’re looking to pivot your business model, upskill your workforce, or reinvent your personal brand, we provide the expertise and support to turn your vision into reality. Let’s collaborate to unlock your potential and create a future-ready version of your business or career.

About Us – Our People and Partners

Alison Charles - About us

Alison Charles – Our MD

Alison is our MD with decades of experience in individual, team, and organisational development. She has worked across commercial, public, and military organisations.

Professionally, Alison specialises in designing leadership programmes, senior team coaching, personal, team, and cultural resilience. Her experience is borne from a career providing large-scale global solutions for Learning and Development, Corporate Well-being, HR, HSSE, and Finance in companies such as Hambros Bank and latterly Shell International UK.  She developed skills that are core to the roles of Programme Management, Change Management, and Organisational Development. Change management and communication are at the core of everything she does.

Above all, Alison is passionate about building Real Resilience for all and bringing communities together to tackle systemic issues. She developed the Real Resilience Framework.

Alison Charles is a dreamer, a creative, a change-maker, and a bit of a workaholic. Her experience of burnout in 2012 spurred a change in her life direction to focus on the three things she loves the most – Helping others achieve Real Resilience, creating space for change, and being the best versions of themselves that they can be.

Consequently, she’s currently balancing her love of gardening and singing with writing her next book and designing her new garden.

About Us - SOZA 1

Soza Health – Our Health Partner

The productivity of your human capital in your organisation is for a large part determined by how healthy they are, and how capable they are at operating in stressful situations. Illness in your workforce leads to absence, lost productivity and disruption of operations. Loss of an employee to ill health is expensive.

Soza offers a program for Business customer’s that allows the following benefits:

  • Offer health screening to your employees on a confidential basis, delivering your duty of care responsibilities.
  • Gain insights into your organisation through our analytics dashboard to explain where the health issues are in your business.
  • Receive personalised actions plans for your staff, and companywide recommendations to promote health and wellness.
  • Improve employee health to drive down absenteeism and presenteeism. (Where staff are in work but not working to their full capacity due to suboptimal health.).
About Us - Sophie Evans - Social Media Admin

Sophie Evans – Our Social Media Manager

Sophie is our social media manager with a keen wit and an eye for the creative and unusual.

She is passionate about fashion and tattoos. She is very creative and loves to draw. It is great to be able to showcase her tattoos with the new photos.

Sophie joined the team in June 2021 as part of the Essex County Council Kickstart Scheme. You can see her receiving her award in the photo below.

She has one daughter, Olivia, who is a bundle of dynamite and keeps her on her toes.

Sophie was diagnosed with ADHD in December 2022. She will be sharing her journey of what it is like to be neurodiverse. She will also be sharing hints and tips about how to handle ADHD, to help others learn from her journey.

About us - Kickstart
About Us - Tony Charles

Tony Charles – Our Office Manager

Tony is our office manager and looks after all things technical. You will find him tinkering with a computer or out riding his motorbike.